Mystery of Ruby: Understanding the Fundamentals of a Dynamic and Flexible Language

Ruby Essentials: From Basics to Mastery - Part 1

I’ve been working with the Ruby programming language since 2013, starting with Rails. Over the past 11 years, I’ve had the opportunity to work on more than 50 projects of varying scales. Along the way, I explored advanced features like those detailed in my blog post on custom fields in Rails with ActiveRecord and PostgreSQL.

Now, I feel it’s time to revisit the fundamentals of Ruby to form new perspectives and experiment with fresh ideas. This journey will take the shape of a concise and focused series titled “Ruby Essentials: From Basics to Mastery” and this is first post about it.

Ruby: A Programmer’s Delight

Ruby is a dynamic, object-oriented, and high-level programming language created by Yukihiro Matsumoto, known as Matz. Designed with developer happiness in mind, Ruby aims to make coding enjoyable and intuitive. To understand Ruby deeply, let’s revisit its core principles and components.

1. Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)

In Ruby, everything is an object. Numbers, strings, and even classes themselves are objects. This means it supports the four fundamental features of object-oriented programming:

  • Abstraction: Hiding unnecessary details and exposing only the relevant information.
  • Encapsulation: Keeping an object’s internal state hidden and exposing only what is necessary.
  • Inheritance: Allowing a class to inherit features and methods from another class.
  • Polymorphism: Enabling different classes to use the same method names while implementing different behaviors.

2. Dynamic Typing

Ruby is dynamically typed, meaning you don’t need to specify the types of variables in advance. Types are determined at runtime.

3. Blocks, Procs, and Lambdas

Ruby includes functional programming features. Blocks allow you to pass code fragments as parameters to methods. Procs and lambdas are objects that represent reusable and portable code snippets.

  • Blocks: Commonly used in iteration methods like each.
  • Proc: A block that has been turned into an object.
  • Lambda: Similar to a Proc but follows slightly different rules (e.g., behavior on return).

4. Method Definition and Invocation

In Ruby, methods are defined using the def keyword. Methods define the behavior of an object and perform actions when invoked.

class Greeter
  def initialize(name)
    @name = name

  def greet
    puts "Hello, #{@name}!"

greeter ="World")
greeter.greet  # Output: Hello, World!

5. Blocks and Iterators

Blocks and iterators are very powerful in Ruby. Methods like each make it easy to iterate through collections.

[1, 2, 3].each do |number|
  puts number

6. Modules and Mixins

Ruby doesn’t support multiple inheritance directly but provides modules and mixins as an alternative. Modules are collections of methods that can be included in a class.

module Swimmable
  def swim
    puts "Swimming!"

class Dog
  include Swimmable

dog =
dog.swim  # Output: Swimming!

7. High-Level Structures and Libraries

Ruby provides rich standard libraries for various functionalities like file handling, networking, and database access. Popular frameworks like Ruby on Rails also leverage Ruby’s power and flexibility.

8. Dynamic Nature and Metaprogramming

Ruby allows modifying code, adding new methods, and changing existing methods at runtime. This is called metaprogramming and adds to Ruby’s flexibility.

class MyClass
  define_method(:dynamic_method) do
    puts "This is a dynamically defined method"

obj =
obj.dynamic_method  # Output: This is a dynamically defined method

These core principles help explain how Ruby operates and the flexibility it offers programmers. Ruby is highly readable, easy to write, and extremely versatile, making it suitable for a wide range of applications.

Whether you’re new to Ruby or a seasoned developer revisiting the language, understanding its core principles and exploring its advanced capabilities can open doors to writing more elegant and efficient code. Through this series, “Ruby Essentials: From Basics to Mastery” I aim to rediscover Ruby’s beauty while embracing the philosophy of Learn – Develop – Share. Stay tuned as we explore the language’s endless possibilities together!

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